• Music-Making with Todd Almond

    “You don’t want music to overwhelm the language, or the transitions to be too obvious.”

  • Susan Hilferty: Following the Threads

    Costume designers occupy a unique position in the creative process: who else knows the intricacies of both the text and of the star’s waist size?

  • Sarah Ruhl: Great Quotations

    Sarah Ruhl: Great Quotations

    Sarah Ruhl has four plays associated with Lincoln Center Theater, and HOW TO TRANSCEND A HAPPY MARRIAGE is the latest.

  • Making the Scene with David Zinn

    “Sets are always an abstraction to a certain extent. The question you always have to ask is: what’s the balance between the real and the theatrical?”

  • And Now a Few Words About Joan

    And Now a Few Words About Joan

    Joan Dellamond has the last word in THE BABYLON LINE and thus it feels fitting that she be the subject of my final blog post for the show.