• Jordan Donica's Childhood Dream

    Jordan Donica's Childhood Dream

    At the age of nine, Jordan Donica, who plays Freddy in MY FAIR LADY, saw a touring production of PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. “I leaned over to my cousin, and I said, ‘I’m going to do that one day.’”

  • Wigging Out with John McNulty

    Wigging Out with John McNulty

    Most stage actors do their own makeup, but hair and wigs are a different matter. And MY FAIR LADY most definitely involves wigs – there are around 100 of them.

  • How Summer Affects Singers

    How Summer Affects Singers

    The heat of summer brings numerous adjustments to actors, not least the challenges brought about by air conditioning.

  • Manu Narayan On His Zoltan Exit

    Manu Narayan On His Zoltan Exit

    I visited Manu Narayan, who plays Professor Zoltan Karpathy in MY FAIR LADY, before he exits the production.

  • Tony-Watching 2018: Food and Friends

    Tony-Watching 2018: Food and Friends

    When I entered the Tony Awards viewing party at P.J. Clarke’s restaurant, I looked around and thought: who are these people?

  • Murphy's Merch for MY FAIR LADY

    Murphy's Merch for MY FAIR LADY

    When Matt Murphy began thinking about the merchandise to accompany MY FAIR LADY, song titles sprang to mind.