How to Transcend a Happy Marriage | EssaysOmar Metwally: The Urgency of TRANSCEND Brendan Lemon | March 6, 2017 “Politics come and go. This play deals with the human experience that underlies whatever the political moment is.”
Bull in a China Shop | EssaysLCT3-D: BULL IN A CHINA SHOP, Part 2 March 3, 2017 Tagged: LCT3 Part 2 of our conversation with the author of BULL IN A CHINA SHOP.
Bull in a China Shop | VideosBULL IN A CHINA SHOP Montage Feb. 28, 2017 Tagged: LCT3 Watch a montage of scenes from BULL IN A CHINA SHOP.
EssaysSave the National Endowment for the Arts Feb. 28, 2017 The 11 arts organizations of Lincoln Center issue a call to action for continued federal support of the National Endowment for the Arts.
How to Transcend a Happy Marriage | EssaysMusic-Making with Todd Almond Brendan Lemon | Feb. 24, 2017 “You don’t want music to overwhelm the language, or the transitions to be too obvious.”
How to Transcend a Happy Marriage | EssaysSusan Hilferty: Following the Threads Brendan Lemon | Feb. 21, 2017 Costume designers occupy a unique position in the creative process: who else knows the intricacies of both the text and of the star’s waist size?
Bull in a China Shop | PhotosBULL IN A CHINA SHOP Production Photos Feb. 16, 2017 Tagged: LCT3 See production photos from BULL IN A CHINA SHOP.